Photo of Eirik Gjedrem

Eirik Gjedrem
Høgskoleveien 11
NO - 4640 Søgne
Tel: +47 38 16 74 58
Mob: +47 90 92 98 50

Click here for a virtual tour with Google Earth

A few panoramic photos from Eirik's workshop

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A few panoramic photos from Eirik's workshop and Søgne Gamle Prestegård (Old Søgne Vicarage)

You need to have Quicktime installed

Humlehagen Peep into the workshop
The kiln room Room 2
Room 1 Behind the barn
By the Bjørnson statue In front of the vicarage
The yard Between the barn and the vicarage
On the bran bridge In front of the workshop
Below the workshop At the bottom of the garden